The Follis's in ......Yakima!!

Upward and Onward. Life as a CRNA

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Vote Republican!! All our lives depend on it.

I was having a good time sparring on another blog last week regarding the upcoming election. I am amazed to hear people say that we wrong to be fighting islamic fundamentalist terror. That if we would just bring the troops home the whole thing would be over. All the world would once again be at peace. I read an article in WorldNetDaily yesterday that is very revealing.

By Aaron Klein© 2006 November 2, 2006

"Of course Americans should vote Democrat," Jihad Jaara, a senior member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group and the infamous leader of the 2002 siege of Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity.

Everybody has an opinion about next Tuesday's midterm congressional election in the U.S. – including senior terrorist leaders interviewed by WND who say they hope Americans sweep the Democrats into power because of the party's position on withdrawing from Iraq, a move, as they see it, that ensures victory for the worldwide Islamic resistance.

The terrorists told WorldNetDaily an electoral win for the Democrats would prove to them Americans are "tired."

They rejected statements from some prominent Democrats in the U.S. that a withdrawal from Iraq would end the insurgency, explaining an evacuation would prove resistance works and would compel jihadists to continue fighting until America is destroyed.

They said a withdrawal would also embolden their own terror groups to enhance "resistance" against Israel.

Embolden their terror groups against Israel. That doesn't sound like the blood shed is going to end to me, does it to you??

Vote Republican on November 7.

The other pissy whiny little things don't even hold water compared to what really matters.
Gay marraige won't even be an issue if the muslim fundamentalists have cut off all their heads...


At 2:18 PM, Blogger gary said...

"I am amazed to hear people say that we wrong to be fighting islamic fundamentalist terror."

I am amazed that you can possibly confuse "DON'T TORTURE ANYBODY" with "fighting terrorists is wrong".

No one on my blog thinks fighting terrorists is wrong. We all think that some of the manners in which the fight is being carried out are wrong. Like torturing people.

The problem with legalizing torture is that people who have no training or idea how to propperly interrogate people get to thinking that these methods are ok.

People constantly say, "what if a terrorist had your kid and was going to kill them? Wouldn't you want the authorities to do all they can to save your child?"

The answer is of course yes we do want them to do all in their power to save our loved ones. Up until recently this didn't include torture.

What happens when some cop sees an amber alert then decides he has a pretty good suspect and wants to torture him a little? What happens if it's the wrong guy? It doesn't matter because the cop was doing all he could to save a kidnapping victim?

Since the USA is such a great country with ideals that I belive other countries show aspire to, I hold the USA to a higher standard that other countries. I don't expect the terrorists to not torture people because they are terrorist. I do expect the USA not to torture people because they believe in the rule of law.

Because I like the USA so much and have family there, I want them to obey their own laws and not manipulate them to suit a few temporary politicians or political parties.


At 9:11 PM, Blogger gary said...

Happy Anniversary Jeff.


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