The Follis's in ......Yakima!!

Upward and Onward. Life as a CRNA

Friday, November 23, 2007

I'm A Sick Twisted Freak!

Today I was really excited to travel in to Pittsburgh for my first ever book signing.

Conservative radio talk show host, TV personality, and best selling author Glenn Beck, was in Pittsburgh to sign copies of his new book "An Incovenient Book". I would like to give you some quips and quotes, but there is probably some question and concern over copy right infringement if I were to do that. Just let me say that my son Adam (15 years old), was reading the book while we were waiting in line at the signing, and he was laughing out loud.

I am looking forward to settling down in Yakima, so I can order his monthly magazine Fusion, which sounds hilarious.

His radio show does a fake gameshow on Fridays during football season called "More-on Trivia", but pronounced as Moron Trivia. What happens is that they call up 7-11 type stores in cities with teams competing that weekend in the NFL. The premise is that the people working in these stores are not the brightest bulbs in the package. Each "contestant" is asked a series of current events questions, and the person with the most correct answers predicts the winner of their game that weekend. It is hilarious.

Glenn is also a convert and has a great story of the change in his life following his baptism.


At 4:44 PM, Blogger Shimmy said...

Well, I agree with Glenn Beck's decision to surrender to U.S. Marshals three weeks before he was to be sentenced for torturing and killing Pit Bulls in a bloody dogfighting ring. After all, Glenn Beck admitted in his pro-victory written plea that he helped kill six to eight pit bulls and supplied money for gambling on the fights.

At 7:22 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

I think Shimmy sniffs too much glue. It was Michael Vick (QB for the Atlanta Falcons) who was involved in the Pitt Bull incident.

At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck rocks! But, then again, I'm sick and twisted as well. You have to be to, be friends with Jeff. Freaks unite!


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