The Follis's in ......Yakima!!

Upward and Onward. Life as a CRNA

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Working For The Weekend

This is a good friend of mine, Robin Knowles. He was visiting from the UK earlier this year, and we met up in SF for the day. He is another one of those people whom you don't have to see very ofter in order to feel like you have never been apart. I have been really lucky to make some very good friends over the years.
One of the main differences between school and work is/was that when I was working full-time, my free time, or the time when I wasn't at the hospital, was my own. School is an all consuming devil. Even when I am not in the building, I have mountains of reading, research, and reviewing to do. Gives a whole new meaning to the 3 R's.
We drove through South Dakota this summer. This was my second trip to Mt. Rushmore, and I am always in awe by the beauty of it. I really love the patriotic monuments. Growing up in Canada was very different than the childhood Adam is having here in the states. I had and still have a lot of Provincial Pride. By this I mean that being from Alberta means that you are from the best place in Canada. That sense of pride didn't (for me anyways) spill over to the nation as a whole.
We have had the opportunity to visit and live in a number of places while here in the states, and for this reason I feel more like a citizen of the whole country vs. just one place. We will be making a trip to Washington, DC in November. I am really looking forward to visiting the national monuments there. So much history in one place. Hopefully my folks will get a chance to come out and visit sometime in the next couple of years.


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