The Follis's in ......Yakima!!

Upward and Onward. Life as a CRNA

Sunday, December 16, 2007

PITT Anesthesia Class of 2007
Graduation Day, The day that seemed once so far into the future it was hard to imagine, has somehow come and gone.
Friday evening the class of 2007, of the University of Pittsburgh, Nurse Anesthesia Program celebrated our graduation from the program. It was kind of surreal in that there are many of my classmates that I may never see again. I have made a lot of really good friends, and will truly miss them .

Final Tally---941 Anesthetics Administered
My parents made the trip out to Pittsburgh, from Alberta, Canada. They spent 2 days traveling on Amtrak, but say that they really enjoyed the experience. This was their first time in Pennsylvania since my brother Bob finished his mission in Philadelphia back in '91? Mom and Susan did a bunch of shopping, while me and dad caught a Penguins game, and made a quick trip up to Kirtland, OH. to visit some church historic sites. The drive back from Kirtland was through a snow storm. I think my dad was nervous. I drive consistently regardless of the weather. I think that if you are too scared to drive the speed limit (snowing or not) you should get off the road. there were several accidents that we passed along the way, but our trip home was uneventful.


At 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you Jeff and to Susan. You guys worked really hard. You are officially in the land of the broke but well educated. Don't Mom and Dad look sharp! Have a Merry Christmas and we'll see you next year when you live a few thousand miles closer. Gail

At 3:12 PM, Blogger Mia och Patrik Jonsson said...

Congratulation! Now can you officaly put people to sleep, for me it´s enough to look at a Ingemar Bergman movie to do that!
Have a great time over in the west!
Well done!

At 11:04 AM, Blogger Mia och Patrik Jonsson said...

Hi Jeff!
Now you can find us at



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