The Follis's in ......Yakima!!

Upward and Onward. Life as a CRNA

Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Weekend Post

I am thinking that I should change the name of this blog to The Weekend Post. It seems that the only time that I have to add comments or updates is from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon.
I am amazed to see that October is already half over. It seems like we have just been getting started in school, and already there are only 8 weeks left in this semester. We had a Physics and Chemistry of Anesthesia exam this week. I missed several questions because I didn't read them carefully. I am mad at myself for that. If I don't know the answer that is one thing, but to get a question wrong because of the wording is a real bummer. The main thing is that I managed to get the "B" that I need to pass the class. The 2nd year students said that this was the most difficult test as far as that class in concerned.

On Friday we had our mock induction workshop. There were 7 students per group, each with a different surgical proceedure and patient, whom had various medical conditions that would affect and complicate the type and method of anesthetic management. I felt really good prior to the workshop, but when it was my turn I had trouble remembering the most basic information. We have learned so much in the last 2 months (I know I keep saying that), and it seems that in typical guy fashion I have to forget something from yesterday in order to make room for the new stuff today. Does anyone know my son's name?? On Tuesday the follow-up workshop will be held. This one is called; Think On Your Feet. It is my understanding that we will go in cold turkey and be presented with a patient situation and have to come up with a management plan "off the cuff". If in July you would have told me that I would have even attempted this sort of thing I would have said you were nuts!


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