The Follis's in ......Yakima!!

Upward and Onward. Life as a CRNA

Monday, January 23, 2006

Where have I been??

I was noticing that it has been a while since my last post. The truth is that every time I looked I couldn't think of what I wanted to say. It isn't that nothing has been happening, it is just that I thought something better would come along.
First. From a Pittsburgh perspective, WHAT ABOUT THOSE STEELERS!!!! You do have to admit that they have played some impressive football during the playoffs. This city is really football crazy. The Penguins haven't given us much to cheer about. A much less than 500 season, and the only time they are in the news is when they are once again threatening to leave town it they don't get a new arena. The Pirates?? Well, lets just say that the best thing that happened to them was the Penguins and their dismal record.
I am knee deep in my second semester of anesthesia school at the University of Pittsburgh. This semester is easier and more difficult at the same time. What structure there was in the first semester is less visible now. Class in on Wednesday and Thursday. Clinical on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. I remain at the Hospital in Butler until the end of February. Today I completed my 125th anesthetic. 125 Down, 425 To Go!! Actually, I have 375 anesthetics to go to meet AANA requirements for graduation. These are minimal requirements, and there are several sub-categories within this requirement that will mean by graduation I will probably have somewhere between 800 and 1000 anesthetics in total, but the countdown in kind of fun for me anyway.
We filled out the paperwork for our move into a cheaper apartment. Some friends in the ward said that there are some teen agers who live in their, that we wouldn't want our son hanging out with. Initially I was unhappy that we were on the far side on the complex nearer to the road, but now I think that this might be a bonus. Anticipated move will be the last week of February.
Went camping with the scouts last weekend for the Klondike Derby. We had to put wheels on the sleds. Friday night the temp. was in the 50's and it rained. There were several troops that put wheels on, and several that did not. Adam and the rest of the kids were glad they didn't have to pull their sled through the mud without wheels. I rear ended Ryan Henrie on the way to the campsite. We both stopped at a yeild sign, and then proceeded to go through. A car crested the hill coming from the left. Ryan stopped. I was looking right and kept going. No serious damage, but the boys heard me swear again.


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