The Follis's in ......Yakima!!

Upward and Onward. Life as a CRNA

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

What is this country coming to?

I was at my son's school last week. In the office they have announcements and flyers advertizing different things. Among these was an advertizement for a tattoo parlor. It seems you can get a tattoo or various body parts pierced during the lunch hour.
The flyer didn't say whether or not parental permission was necessary for these services.
I learned this week that UV rays are bad for you. So bad in fact that a person under the age of 16 years cannot go to a tanning booth without parental permission.
A person under 16 years cannot go to the mall and get their ears pierced without parental permission.
A person under 16 years cannot get a debit card from the bank (they can have an ATM card).

Did you know that in the United States of America if is perfectly legal for your schools guidance councellor to supply your 13 year old daughter with condoms, and if the condoms fail to prevent pregnancy that same school employee can transport your child to an abortion clinic for a medical proceedure without your consent or knowledge. Your child could have general anesthetic and surgery without you being aware. Surgery is not minor. People die due to complications. Every surgical consent I have a patient sign acknowleges the fact that death is a possible complication of the proceedure or the anesthetic.
How would you feel if you got a call from the coroner informing you that your child died during a surgical proceedure performed during the time you thought she was in social studies??

What is this country coming to?