The Follis's in ......Yakima!!

Upward and Onward. Life as a CRNA

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Where is the "Religion of Peace" that I keep hearing about?

The Night Journey of Muhammad on His Steed, Buraq; leaf from a copy of the Bustan of Sacdi, dated 1514. From Bukhara, Uzbekistan. In The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

At some point Muslims decided that it was wrong to depict an image of Mohammed. Apparently this has not always been the case.

This website pictures and images of Mohammed that go back for hundreds of years. To me this is just another example of the hipocrisy shown by radical islam.

This is a picture of Mohammed painted on a modern building in Iran. is an Iranian website that shows various images of Mohammed that are on buildings in and around Tehran and Iran. This building is NEW. These images are NEW. Why the double standard from the people who practice the "Religion of Peace"?

"Aggression against life and property can only damage the image of a peaceful Islam," said a statement released jointly Tuesday by Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, U.N. Secretary- General Kofi Annan and EU chief Javier Solana.

News from the AP Wire:

Early Friday, Palestinian militants threw a bomb at a French cultural center in Gaza City, and many Palestinians began boycotting European goods, especially those from Denmark.

"Whoever defames our prophet should be executed," said Ismail Hassan, 37, a tailor who marched through the pouring rain along with hundreds of others in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

"Bin Laden our beloved, Denmark must be blown up," protesters in Ramallah chanted.
In mosques throughout Palestinian cities, clerics condemned the cartoons. An imam at the Omari Mosque in Gaza City told 9,000 worshippers that those behind the drawings should have their heads cut off.

"If they want a war of religions, we are ready," Hassan Sharaf, an imam in Nablus, said in his sermon.

About 10,000 demonstrators, including gunmen from the Islamic militant group Hamas firing in the air, marched through Gaza City to the Palestinian legislature, where they climbed on the roof, waving green Hamas banners.

"We are ready to redeem you with our souls and our blood our beloved prophet," they chanted. "Down, Down Denmark."

Western governments allow Muslims to talk freely about their faith. Why can't Christians do the same in many Muslim countries? Muslims rightfully express concern about the denial of liberties to Palestinians. But are the rights of Jews protected in Indonesia? Are Hindus free in Pakistan?

"The world is divided into two spheres, Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb. The latter, the Land of Warfare, is a country belonging to infidels which has not been subdued by Islam. The Dar al-Harb becomes the Dar- al Islam, the Land of Islam, upon the promulgation of the edicts of Islam. Thus the totalitarian nature of Islam is nowhere more apparent than in the concept of Jihad, the Holy War, whose ultimate aim is to conquer the entire world and submit it to the one true faith, to the law of Allah. To Islam alone has been granted the truth: there is no possibility of salvation outside it. Muslims must fight and kill in the name of Allah" (Ibn Warraq, the author of Why I Am Not A Muslim).

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Where is the Outrage?

I received a phone call from my friend Wim this afternoon. He lives in Holland. We talked about the unrest that is happening around the world as a result of a cartoon published in a Danish newspaper. Apparently it is alright for Muslims to depict Christians and Jews as less than human, and even for Muslim Clergy to call for the murder of people who in their opinion say or do things to offend islam.
I wonder where their sense of morality comes from?

As a student of history I am well aware that many things were done in the name of Christianity that were criminally wrong. People were murdered, beaten, and tortured if they refused to convert. These crimes against humanity have been documented and acknowleged by the christian world, but lets face it. The Crusades took placein 1095. The Spanish Inquisition ended in 1834. It has been almost 200 years since a state government took part in the wholesale slaughter of innocents in the name of Christianity. Christians are taught tolerance. Yes we try to convert others to our beliefs, but we recognize that they have the right to choose to life according to the dictates of their our conscience.

Why are Muslim's so upset over the publishing LAST SEPTEMBER of some cartoon images of Mohammad? I saw a list of possibilities on another website (, and they have listed a number of reasons that I cannot improve upon.
Perhaps Muslims are outraged over:

Muslims flying commercial airliners into New York City buildings killing 3,000 people from 47 countries?

Muslims blocking the exit where school girls are trying to escape a burning building because their girls' faces were exposed?

Muslims cutting off the heads of three teenage girls on their way to their Christian school in Indonesia?

Muslims murdering teachers trying to teach Muslim children in Iraq?

Muslims murdering over 80 tourists with car bombs outside cafes and hotels in Egypt?

A Muslim attacking a missionary children's school in India killing six?

Muslims slaughtering hundreds of children and teachers in Beslan, Russia, including shooting children in the back?

Muslims firing rocket-propelled grenades into schools full of children in Israel?

Muslims murdering 56 commuters, injuring over 700, in attacks on London subways and buses?

Muslims bombing trains in Madrid, Spain, killing 191 commuters and injuring over 2000?

Muslims massacring dozens of innocents at a Jewish Passover Seder?

Muslims murdering innocent vacationers in Bali?

Muslim newspapers publishing anti-Semitic and anti-Christian cartoons?

Muslims beating the charred bodies of Western civilians with their shoes, then hanging them from a bridge?

Muslims videotaping themselves chanting "Allahu Akbar" while they saw the heads off defenseless people?

Muslim involvement, on one side or the other, in almost every one of the 125+ shooting wars around the world?

You can present the arguement that Radical Islam has hijacked the religion of peace, and is doing in the name of Islam the same types of things that were done in the name of Christianity 200 years ago, and I will give you that. But where is the outrage? Where are the demonstrations in the street by Muslims demanding that their religious leaders take back Islam from the radicals who would do evil in the name of their religion? The silence is deafening.

Muslim, Salman Rushdie wrote: "As their ancient, deeply civilized culture of love, art and philosophical reflection is hijacked by paranoiacs, racists, liars, male supremacists, tyrants, fanatics and violence junkies, why are they not screaming?" Indeed, why not? And, for those of you who offer an excuse for the supposed majority of rational Muslims who are so conspicuous by their silence--if not now, then when?

In March of 2001, the Islamic Government of Afganistan had the 2000 year old Buddhist masterpieces in the central province of Bamiyan, including the world's tallest standing Buddha measuring 50 meters (165 feet) destroyed. We see examples of Muslim intolerance toward other religions, and even other sects within islam.

Leaders on the left in our country and abroad would have us believe that if we lay down our arms, others will see that we mean them no harm, and will do the same. In the current climate it would be seen as weakness by those who would do us harm.

When the USS Cole was attacked, President Clinton said we would hunt down those responsible, and we did nothing. When the Embassy bombings happened, President Clinton said we would find those responsible, and we did nothing. We have taught islamic terrorists that we are a talk big and do nothing people. Showing weakness encourages those who would do us harm.

We need to stand with the Danish people. We should evict the diplomatic representatives of countries who do not protect the embassies and missions of Denmark and other against the radical element within their countries.

History has taught us that if we do not stand up to the extremists today, we will have to bury our friends, neighbors, sons, and daughters tomorrow.