The Follis's in ......Yakima!!

Upward and Onward. Life as a CRNA

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Class of 2007, Pitt Anesthesia

919 Cases Completed

Graduation is just 34 days away. It is hard to believe that this journey that started 27 months is almost at an end. We all (my classmates and myself) think that it is some kind weird paradox that school seems to have gone by so quickly, but at the same time, life before school seems so long ago. Just weird! Here is a link to the pictures of my graduating classmates.

I am back at Magee Womens Hospital in Pittsburgh for the last 6 weeks of school. My goal was to try and get 100 spinals, and 100 epidurals before graduation. I think that I will make it with my spinals, but will probably fall short on epidurals by 10 or so. For the most part though, I have had a very good regional experience while in school. I have spoken to students from my program and others (ran into a bunch of people in Cleveland last weekend), who will be graduating with less than 10 of each.

Adam (the man child) has been off school for 4 weeks now due to a teachers strike. He will be off next week as well, and will return to school Friday?? by court order. The teachers were only allowed to be off for a total of 5 weeks. The school has announced that the Thanks Giving, Christmas, and New Year's break has been cancelled. The kids will have one day off for each (on the actual day) holiday. The rumor is that the teachers are going to walk out after the first of the year for another 5 weeks.
We are going to be out of town to look for a house in Washington, and Adam is going to miss 8 days of school during the end of November and the first part of December. I am sure that the teachers will want him to make up all of the work that he will miss during that time. Teachers Unions Suck. All Unions Suck, but especially teachers unions.