The Follis's in ......Yakima!!

Upward and Onward. Life as a CRNA

Friday, April 14, 2006

Happy Easter!

Wow spring is finally here in PA.

I have even got the bike out of storage and have started riding in to school and the hospital. It is sure nice to have good parking right close to the place I am going. No more 20 minute walks from the parking spot to the classroom.

I realize that I have not been a very good steward of my blog for the last couple of months, but this has been a very time consuming semester at school. I have finals over the next 2 weeks, and then a week off before the summer term starts. I am about half way through my rotation at Shadyside, and will stay in the city for the summer, as my next rotation will be at UPMC Presby.

We are really excited about the possibility of getting some visitors from the west this summer. It will give us an excuse to get out and see all of the places that we have been wanting to visit.

I ran into a guy from Raymond at church last Sunday... We were actually in the same grade until I left in 1981. His name is Brian Smith, and from what I remember was a really nice guy. I saw him in the hall, and knew he looked really familiar to me. Pretty Wild!

Clinical rotations have been going well. The numbers have declined dramatically since leaving Butler, but that is what I expected. 240 down 310 to go.