The Follis's in ......Yakima!!

Upward and Onward. Life as a CRNA

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Powering our way through March

School, life, the universe, and everything...

It has been quite hectic the past few weeks. The new semester seems to have just started, and already it is half over.

This past week I switched from Butler Memorial Hospital, to UPMC Shadyside, down in the city. The city hospitals are much different from the one out of town. First big change is that there are 8 first year students at Shadyside. I am not all alone anymore. This is neither good, or bad. We don't see each other except for occasionally in the break room during lunch. The pace is much slower as well. I am now doing cases that last for several hours as opposed to several minutes. The patients are supposed to be sicker than what we saw out of town, and I suppose that is true. All in all, it will take some getting used to, and then it will be time to leave again.

We also moved into our new apartment this last week. It was really hectic with switching hospitals, and exams, but it all seems to have worked out. We are without a phone (except for the cell) for a few weeks until the new one is hooked up. we are going with the cable company for the phone now. Way cheaper. We will see how it works out.

Thursday night my truck broke down. The tension pulley on the serpentine belt seized up. I wasn't able to get it fixed until saturday morning. Not an expensive fix, and something I was able to do myself which is nice. I wish the kid, the fruit of my loins, the human food disposal that lives with us had some interest in learning about engines and stuff, but he would rather not.

That's life.